Ich habe den Moment verpasst, an dem die ganze Welt sich in ein Fitnessstudio verwandelt hat.
Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum jeder ständig und überall mit Leggings und Nike Air Max rumrennt. Das ist doch keine Alltagskleidung! Am schlimmsten finde ich aber, dass Leggings mittlerweile schon zur Business-Kleidung zählen. Das ist doch lächerlich. So etwas hat für mich am Arbeitsplatz absolut nichts verloren. Man wird sich doch wohl eine anständige Hose leisten können.
Ich kann diese Mitarbeiter gar nicht wirklich ernst nehmen.
Irgendwie ist es zum Trend geworden teure Sportschuhe zu absolut allem zu tragen, ganz egal ob Hose, Rock, Kleid oder whatever. Ständig sehe ich Leute mit Sportschuhen. Und jedes Mal frage ich mich, ob die wirklich jemals in ihrem Leben Sport gemacht haben oder einfach nur "ach so cool" sein wollen.
Was sagt ihr dazu? Seid ihr vielleicht Pro-Sportkleidung im Alltag? Wenn ja, warum eigentlich? Nur weil es bequem ist?
Oder seid ihr womöglich auch meiner Meinung?
RELATED | work life || 10 types of people I hate in the gym || haters |
written by Eden Sparks.
I simply missed the moment where the world changed into gym.
I simply don't understand, why everybody is constantly wearing leggings and Nike Air Max everywhere. This isn't everyday clothing! Worst is that meanwhile leggings are business clothes. This is ridiculous. Such a thing has no business here (what a pun!). I dare that one can affort decent trousers.
I can't take this employees for serious.
Anyhow it became a rend to wear expensive sport shoes to absolutely everything, no matter whether trousers, skirt, dress or whatever. I constantly see people with sport shoes. And everytime I ask myself wheter one really did sport in their entire life or just want to be "oh so cool".
But there's one thing which is hard to top: people who go to the gym with training clothes, train there and go home with the same clothes or meet friends. I don't mean that they just wear the same clothes at some other activities, but that they don't change their clothes after the do sport. What in the dickens is going on? I mean, women always have the problem that they don't want to shower if many people are there, but changing the clothes is the least one can do.
Certainly I understand that this is a decision which everybody has to make on his own (individuality and thus), but I think that it's some kind of good behaviour if one dresses to the given occasion. That is: in everyday life no sports clothes. Sports clothes are there for doing sports. Leggings are great to do yoga and so on, but not for the office. This doesn't match.
What do you say to this? Are you pro-sports clothes in daily and even business life? If so, why actually? Only because it's comfortable?
Or are you possibly also of my opinion?
I simply missed the moment where the world changed into gym.
I simply don't understand, why everybody is constantly wearing leggings and Nike Air Max everywhere. This isn't everyday clothing! Worst is that meanwhile leggings are business clothes. This is ridiculous. Such a thing has no business here (what a pun!). I dare that one can affort decent trousers.
I can't take this employees for serious.
Anyhow it became a rend to wear expensive sport shoes to absolutely everything, no matter whether trousers, skirt, dress or whatever. I constantly see people with sport shoes. And everytime I ask myself wheter one really did sport in their entire life or just want to be "oh so cool".
But there's one thing which is hard to top: people who go to the gym with training clothes, train there and go home with the same clothes or meet friends. I don't mean that they just wear the same clothes at some other activities, but that they don't change their clothes after the do sport. What in the dickens is going on? I mean, women always have the problem that they don't want to shower if many people are there, but changing the clothes is the least one can do.
Certainly I understand that this is a decision which everybody has to make on his own (individuality and thus), but I think that it's some kind of good behaviour if one dresses to the given occasion. That is: in everyday life no sports clothes. Sports clothes are there for doing sports. Leggings are great to do yoga and so on, but not for the office. This doesn't match.
What do you say to this? Are you pro-sports clothes in daily and even business life? If so, why actually? Only because it's comfortable?
Or are you possibly also of my opinion?
RELATED | work life || 10 types of people I hate in the gym || haters |
written by Eden Sparks.
Finds schön dass du deinem Ärger hier Luft machst! Da hatte sich scheinbar echt was angestaut ;)
AntwortenLöschenDas mit den verschwitzten Sachen kann ich natürlich nur so unterschreiben, aber bei dem anderen? Also ich meine als Businesskleidung würde ich es auch nicht durchgehen lassen, aber so im Alltag trage ich als Mensch der Sportmuffel durch und durch ist auch gern stylische bequeme Kleidung von Sportmarken; denn ganz im Ernst - einige der Sachen sind gar nicht mehr für Sport gedacht.
Neulich erst hatte ich bei adidas eine Stella McCartney Laufjacke bestellt, weil das Design schön war und die Aussicht auf eine bequeme und regenabweisende Jacke war sehr verlockend, aber das Teil war so geschnitten, dass sie jegliche Armbewegung behindert hat. Wie darin überhaupt jemand laufen soll war mir ein Rätsel.
Heutzutage hat funktionale "Sportkleidung" eben auch mal nur das hübsch sein als Aufgabe.
liebe Grüße~