Ein Kleidungsstück hat es mir in letzter Zeit besonders angetan: Die Lederhose. Oder eine Kunstlederhose. Oder woraus auch immer besagte Hose sein sollte in Lederoptik. Ich kann nicht genau erklären warum, aber vor ein paar Wochen dachte ich so bei mir: "Ich muss eine haben, die fehlt so sehr in meinem Kleiderschrank, warum eigentlich?" Einfach, weil man sie so vielseitig einsetzten kann, klassisch, lässig, cool und elegant. Es sind praktisch keine Grenzen gesetzt - und abgesehen davon ist sie eines dieser Teile, das für sich spricht. Da muss man gar nicht mehr viel tun, es sieht gestylt aus.
Also habe ich mir eine bestellt - ich hoffe, dass diese Bestellung bald kommt, den Geduld ist nicht unbedingt eine meiner Stärken. Bis dahin habe ich fleißig gepinnt und das Ergebnis zeige ich euch hier. Nach den vielen Worten gestern - viel Spaß mit der Bilderflut und habt ein schönes (inspiriertes) Wochenende.
I was really keen by this piece of clothing the last few weeks: the leather pants. Or fake leather pants. Or whatever the pants is made of in leather look. I can't explain why, but a few weeks ago I have thought by myself "I need to have one, why haven't I already one, it's really missing in my wardrobe." Simply because leather pants are very versatile. One can wear it elegant, cool, classic but also girly. There are no limits - and apart from this such pants are on of these garments which speek for themselves. One haven't to combine many other pieces to get this moment of "That's a look."
So I ordered one - I really hope it will be here soon, because patience isn't one of my strengths. Heretofore I pinned many outfit ideas which I'm sharing with you now. After so many words yesterday - have fun with this flood of pictures and have a nice (inspired) weekend.
All pictures via Pinterest
I was really keen by this piece of clothing the last few weeks: the leather pants. Or fake leather pants. Or whatever the pants is made of in leather look. I can't explain why, but a few weeks ago I have thought by myself "I need to have one, why haven't I already one, it's really missing in my wardrobe." Simply because leather pants are very versatile. One can wear it elegant, cool, classic but also girly. There are no limits - and apart from this such pants are on of these garments which speek for themselves. One haven't to combine many other pieces to get this moment of "That's a look."
So I ordered one - I really hope it will be here soon, because patience isn't one of my strengths. Heretofore I pinned many outfit ideas which I'm sharing with you now. After so many words yesterday - have fun with this flood of pictures and have a nice (inspired) weekend.

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