Wie auch immer, ich liebe verschwommene Wasserfarbenbilder - vor allem auch bei Modeillustrationen. Einfach immer wieder total schön anzusehen. Aber genug mit den Worten, jetzt kommt die bekannte - hoffentlich auch für euch inspirierende Bilderflut.
I like art - even if I don't know if that art what I like really would be declared as "art". But I like art what I like. Besides I always were excited about visiting a museum or going to an exhibition with my class meanwhile my classmates hated such activities. I can't understand why. That's why I'm inspired by art - who follows this blog with little (or more?) attention already recognized this.
However, I love such watercolor pictures - especially fashion illustrations. They are always great to watch. But now enough of words - let's be (hopefully) inspired by the pictures.
all pictures via Pinterest
Was für ein schöner Post! Danke fürs Teilen von diesen tollen Bildern, richtig inspirierend :)