in places
Every land has beautiful places and Australia has some very fascinating ones. Even if one thinks of the Great Barrier Reef. However, what makes me really enthusiastic is Coober Pedy. It's a city where people live in underground aparments, because it's too hot above it. There are even hotels under the ground - I think it's definitely worth travelling there. But Kangoroo Island, the third-largest Island of Australia also. The countryside in Australia is simply amazing.
pictures via Google
Rainforest Australia |
Wave Rocks |
Ayers Rock |
Kimberley |
Darwin |
Melbourne |
Hanging Rock |
in animals
Ein Großteil der in Australien beheimateten Tierarten, kommen ausschließlich dort vor. Eines hat es mir besonders angetan: Der Kurzkopfgleitbeutler. Er ist einfach so winzig und so verdammt niedlich!
The majority of the animals which live in Australia just exist there and nowhere else. But I really fall for the sugar glider. It's just so tiny and extremely cute.
pictures via Google
Riesenkänguru |
Kragenechse |
Schnabeltier |
in music
AC/DC, Nick Cave, Empire Of The Sun, Jet - Bands/Künstler, die man zumindest vom Hören her kennt. Alle haben eines gemeinsam: Sie kommen aus Australien! Ja, die Australier machen auch richtig gute Musik. Vor allem: Dream On, Dreamer. Für alle, die sie noch nicht kennen: Unbedingt anhören!
AC/DC, Nick Cave, Empire Of The Sun, Jet - Bands/Artists which everyone knows - at least one hears them. They all have one thing in common: They're coming from Australia! Yes, the Australians make really good music. Especially: Dream On, Dreamer. For those who still don't know them: Listen to them!
Tolle Bilder, da will man doch am liebsten gleich die Koffer packen und nach Australien fliegen :)
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